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Jakie badania przed rozpoczęciem kuracji

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Cześć Tak w dużym skrócie, za 2 miesiące kończę 25 lat, mój stan oceniam na NW1,5 z lekkimi przerzedzeniami na NW2 i stwierdziłem, że pora zacząć działać w tym kierunku,aby za 10 lat nie być łysym.


Od jakiegoś czasu studiuję wszystkie tematy związane z lekami i na wstępnie odrzuciłem fina i duta ze względu na fakt, że nie chcę ingerować w swój profil hormonalny. Mój wybór padł na RU. Zanim jednak rozpocznę swoją kurację chcę zrobić badania hormonów i w razie gdyby nie było żadnych uboków od RU, powtórzyć je po 4-5 miesiącach, aby mieć pewność, że nie ma on na nie jakiegoś negatywnego wpływu. Tutaj moje pytanie do Was, jakie konkretnie hormony zbadać? Testosteron wolny, związany, dht i estradiol? Dodać/ odjąć coś z tej listy? Z góry dzięki

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Te badania ktore wymieniles powinny wystarczyc. RU dziala systemowo tak samo jak finasteryd czy dutasteryd we wcierce , problemy z sercem i spadek jakosci spermy pojawia sie czesto na forach u ludzi ktorzy go biora. Jezeli chodzi o badania to RU bylo testowane na zwierzetach i rzeczywiscie u nich spadala jakos spermy wiec cos jest na rzeczy. Jezeli mam byc szczery to wole dostac spadku libido niz miec uszkodzone trwale serce a wszystko wskazuje ze RU na duzy wplyw na nasze serce. Nie ma rozy bez kolcow......


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Hey, I've been a lurker on these boards and others for a little bit but made an account to talk about something that everyone should be aware of now that people are getting aboard the RU bandwagon.


First off, I am no stranger to research chemicals myself and have experience with several (IGF-1 LR3, racetams, Ipamorelan, CJC w/o DAC, Melanotan II, etc) and as anyone should, I have done a large amount of research and accepted the risks involved when "testing" these chemicals.


RU is a slightly different animal here, and I think extra caution needs to be taken when dealing with chemicals as powerful as this. Many people don't think that it is dangerous because it's topical, or they may assume it's similar to a SERM (or the opposite, in a way) since it occupies receptors, or that it is similar to FIN or DUT because it is an anti-androgen. We need to realize that this is a very powerful chemical that blocks EVERYTHING from the androgen receptors wherever it comes in contact with them.


The serum half-life is said to be around one hour. People seem to misinterpret this statement quite a bit. That doesn't mean that half the RU you take that gets into your blood stream only blocks receptors for one hour, it means that it will float around in your blood stream until it hits an androgen receptor (there are tons of these all over in your body), and after an hour, roughly half of the RU that is still floating around is finally gone. We do NOT know for sure the time RU stays bound to the androgen receptor, but it seems anecdotally around 1-2 days at least. One hour is PLENTY of time for RU to be systemic and effect other parts of the body. Aside from this, a small percentage of RU degrades into metabolites that half much longer half-lives and build up after weeks in the body.


RU58841 is said to have low systemic side effects in theory, but little solid research has truly been done on this. In animal models, it was shown to cause changes in sperm and feminization of the male offspring in females treated with this. If you search around the web, you will find MANY different instances of people reporting systemic side effects at different dosages on both vehicles, whether it be KB or PG/Ethanol. Some of the reported acute systems are libido loss, headaches, nausea, bloodshot eyes, and chest pain, among many other things.


I am writing this post because of all the effects, but primarily about the effect of RU on the heart. Although it is not well understood, DHT (and potentially other androgens) is suggested to be vital in preventing ischemia in heart tissue. Ischemia is the restriction of oxygen to tissues. A reported symptom of people using RU is periods of short breath and chest tightness. A STRONG ANDROGEN LIKE RU HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BLOCK THE ANDROGEN RECEPTORS OF THE HEART, PREVENTING IT FROM WORKING PROPERLY. Although no formal research on RU and heart has been done, it is VERY LIKELY that deprivation of your heart tissues to androgens can cause varying levels of ischemia (depending on dose, genetic predisposition, length of use, etc), MEANING THAT IT CAN POTENTIALLY CAUSE IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO YOUR HEART ACUTELY OR CUMULATIVELY. You many not even be experiencing strong symptoms and be causing damage to your heart.


There is a post from another forum that was deleted (which I will post below) about a young guy (23 years old) that used only THREE DOSES of RU and ended up with heart failure. I am not saying that this case will happen to everyone, but there is a strong likelihood that long term cumulative damage could very well occur even if you are not showing strong symptoms. Drugs like FIN and DUT don't completely starve the androgen receptors, they simply reduce the amount of DHT by a percentage, therefore you do not see effects like these from those drugs. RU has an entirely different potential.


I am not getting anything out of writing this post other than a serious warning. I am all for self-improvement, but I feel like the line needs to be drawn sometimes. I will look just as goofy bald as anyone else here, but the careless risks that people are taking with RU lately just to keep their hair is worthy of being a psychiatric disorder. Your hair is not worth your life or health. The truth is that we really don't know much at all about this substance whatsoever.

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No właśnie przez takie wpisy ciągle nie jestem w 100% przekonany do RU,ale z drugiej strony ciężko o jakąś rozsądną alternatywę.


Też w sumie pytanie skoro RU nie działa bezpośrednio na hormony androgenowe, a ich recepory, to czy badanie hormonów ma większy sens


Z drugiej strony w internecie można przeczytać masę bzdur, bez znaczenia na jaki temat. Tę historię o zawale serca po 3 użyciach Ru raczej zaliczyłbym do nich, co nie zmienia faktu, że zawsze daje to trochę do myślenia

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odnosnie wplywu na serce to potwierdzily to badania na zwierzetach wiec bzdura bym tego nie nazwal , tak samo bylo z jakoscia spermy ,z drugiej strony moze trafilo na goscia ktory mial juz jakas wade i to go dobilo co nie zmienia faktu odnosnie wplywu na serce. Gyno ,bole w klatce i spadek libido tez ludzie po tym maja ,nawet na tym forum byly przypadki. Nie masz juz 15 lat zeby sie obawiac o hormony. Jak cos zle na ciebie wplywa to sie odstawia i wchodzi na inna kuracje, az juz nic nie zostanie i wtedy wiadomo ze z lysieniem musisz sie pogodzic

To dziala systemowo wiec tez pewnie bedzie mialo wplyw. Wiele rzeczy jest ze soba powiazanych u czlowieka wiec twoj argument odnosnie ze dut na hormony wplywa jest moim zdaniem troche bez sensu

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